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Why do my Teeth Hurt? The 5 Most Common Causes of Toothaches

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 2:11 pm

Man suffering from toothacheWhether you’re trying to enjoy some ice cream on your birthday, concentrate on the movie you’re watching, or just living your regular life, a toothache can be a major disruption. Toothaches can happen for a huge variety of reasons. Sometimes, they can be easy to treat at home with painkillers or a change in dental habits. Other times, they might be a symptom of a larger underlying problem or emergency that requires a trip to your dentist. If you’re currently dealing with a frustrating pain in the back of your mouth, this article may shed some light on the situation. Here are the top 5 most likely sources that are causing your tooth pain:

#5: Bad Dental Habits

Depending on your brushing habits, you may be doing more harm than good for your teeth. If you have hard toothbrush bristles or brush aggressively, you might be causing your gums to bleed and become inflamed. Exposing your gums to too much pressure could cause them to recede and expose sensitive parts of your teeth.

#4: Stress on Teeth

Stress placed on your teeth from dental work like braces, retainers, or alignment trays can be initially uncomfortable. These orthodontic alignments work to slowly shift your teeth into their proper places, which can often cause discomfort, especially right after an adjustment. However, pain from orthodontic treatments should subside in a few days and not interfere with your everyday life. If it does, talk to your orthodontist about readjusting your braces.

#3: Tooth Damage

Sports, falls, biting down on hard objects, and accidents can all cause your teeth to chip, crack, or break. If your broken tooth is in pain, there might be damage on the inside. Even if your cracked or chipped tooth doesn’t hurt, it could be exposing the sensitive pulp of your tooth and putting it in danger of becoming infected. It should be seen right away by a dentist so it can be treated before more painful damage occurs.

#2: Gum Disease

If you have a dull, constant pain in your teeth along with red, bleeding gums, you might have gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. This bacterial infection in the gums is caused by a buildup of plaque and can lead to inflammation and sensitivity around your teeth. You should see your dentist as soon as possible for help with getting your gum disease under control.

#1 Tooth Decay

The number one cause for dental pain is tooth decay. Despite it being one of the most obvious reasons, it’s still a widespread issue. A data brief from the National Center for Health Statistics says that 91% of Americans between 20-64 years old have had cavities, and 27% have untreated tooth decay. Cavities and tooth decay expose the hypersensitive layer of dentin underneath your enamel and can infect the pulp that houses the nerve of your tooth. The best defense against the most common cause of tooth pain is regularly brushing and flossing your teeth.

Regardless of what’s causing it, any tooth pain should be looked at by your dentist. With regular dental checkups and cleanings, you and your dentist can prevent future toothaches!

About the Practice

Dr. Steven Crovatto and Dr. Megan Edwards are general, restorative, and preventive dentists based out of their practice in Orange Park, FL. They share a passion for providing enjoyable, comfortable dental care and helping their patients achieve happy, healthy, pain-free smiles. If you are experiencing tooth pain, feel free to reach out to them at their website or at (904) 272-0800.

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